הוד שבהוד
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הוד שבהוד

איזה יום, איזה יום.מידת הוד מלמדת אותנו להודות בטעויותולהודות על הטעויותלהודות על הטוב ולהודות על מה שנראה לא טוב.מתוך בחירה של הסתכלות חיובית וכנועה בפני המציאות.הוד הוא גם הוא איזון בין נחישות להכנעה,ביחסינו עם המציאות,עם בני האדם סביבנו ועם מלך העולם.הוד שבהוד הוא האיזון שבאיזון,איזון אולטימטיבי בין נחישות לפעולה ולשנוי המציאותלבין כניעה בפני המציאות וקבלתה.קבלת…

The Essence of Time

from Chapter 2 In Judaism, a new day begins when the stars come out. The idea is that we believe that after every darkness there is a light coming into the world.  In the Counting of the Omer we emphasize the meaning of time. It says in the Jewish sources that the night is outside…

The Clock of the Seer of Lublin

ough he had no money, he had no choice but to stop, so when he saw a little motel on the way, he entered. He sat down and ordered a cup of tea and sipped it slowly. After two hours, when he saw that the rain was coming down stronger he ordered another cup of…

Towards what are we counting the Omer?

Chapter 1 The Ccounting of the Omer is the counting of forty-nine days from the first day of Passover until Shavuot, the celebration of the receiving of the Torah. Passover is a holiday of seven days which starts in the Jewish calendar on the day that the Israelites were redeemed from Egypt. Jewish mysticism teaches…


This book is the first of a series that provides us with a path for spiritual growth through the Jewish calendar and the traditions that are embodied in it. According to Jewish philosophy and mysticism (Kabbalah), every period of the year holds within it a special holy and spiritual energy which can embody a different…

Get the deep inner meaning of the Omer counting this Passover!

Get the deep inner meaning of the Omer counting this Passover!

The Sefirot, also known as the Tree of Life, is a Kabbalistic set of tools that help us to achieve cognitive and behavioral change as well as deepen our spiritual understanding of the world. This allows us to improve ourselves, our connection with others, and with G-d. It was developed and taught by Rabbi Yitzchak…