Every Day is a Diamond – Hebrew




Counting the Omer is a special time between Passover, the spring festival, and Shavuot when we celebrate receiving the Torah.

Miriam Drori is bringing here the teachings of R. Shlomo Carlebach, in flowing, clear editing. It is a complete method to penetrate your heart, spirit, and soul based on the teachings of Sefirot of Kabbala in a modern Chasidic interpretation.

Miriam Drori has been learning with R. Carlebach for over 20 years. Today she is transcribing and editing his teachings, and teaching growth and self-awareness based on this method.

חוות דעת

אין עדיין חוות דעת.

היה הראשון לכתוב סקירה “Every Day is a Diamond – Hebrew”

האימייל לא יוצג באתר. שדות החובה מסומנים *

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